Monday, July 30, 2012

Garage - Day 8

We have a garage door! It's MUCH bigger than the previous one and is proportionate to the size of the garage.
(You may be saying to yourself, "Man, that garage still looks like its falling over", 
BUT it's not.  The trim and wood siding of the left side got really crooked when they 
jacked the garage up to straighten it out.  It's kinda an optical illusion.)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Garage - Day 7

The guys had to wait a day because of the rain, but were back out there this morning to lay the concrete for the car pad. Now we just need a basketball hoop and we'd have ourselves a nice sized court ;)

Since Adrian and I say this is our "forever home", I took the opportunity to leave our mark.   I've never drawn in concrete before...kinda felt like a rebel and was waiting for someone to yell at me.

Adrian and I also had to decide on a color since the garage was ready for siding.  It seriously was a hard decision since NONE of the colors really matched the color of our house. It's always tough making a decision based off of a small swatch, so hopefully we made the right one.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Garage - Day 6

Even though is rained today, the guys were still able to pour the concrete in the inside of the garage. It looks so nice...I think its my new favorite room :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Garage - Day 5

Today, they brought in a bobcat to demo the dirt and gravel behind the garage leading into the alley and then made everything level with rocks.  They dropped 15" worth of rocks throughout the whole garage, which will be the base of the foundation.  Next, the concrete will get poured to finally raise the grade of the garage.  

They also tore out the framing for the garage door so that we can have a 8'5" one installed.  The door that was previously up was only tall enough for a fiat or a bike.  Have no clue why the previous owners had a 6ft tall door on a 25ft tall garage.  Glad we're getting a new one.


(with the larger garage door opening! Oh and the Garage is NOT tilted. That's the picture)

(with the new concrete base)

(15" higher and with a new door too!)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Garage - Day 4

Today they installed the french doors and windows. I love the french doors!  I think this will really make the garage look pretty...of course with the siding and everything else completed too.  It's getting there though.



Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garage - Day 3

They poured the concrete for the foundation walls today.  Now the walls of the garage are straight and should never lean again since the entire perimeter is supported by 18" of concrete.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Garage - Day 2

Today was again spent on trying to support the walls. Since our garage kinda leans one way, the garage repair company has to raise each wall while trying to straighten it and then build the concrete form wall around that.  The guys working on the garage told us that there was a bit of termite damage to the wood as well, so they had to replace some of the structure. It looks like we'll be ready for concrete soon.

Here you can really see the elevation difference. However they still will be adding an additional 6X2 around the perimeter of the garage on top of the 12X2's.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Garage - Day 1

Today they started working on the garage. The majority of the day was spent digging out trenches around the perimeter of the garage so that they can pour concrete.  Not only do they have to re-support the walls, but they have to raise the elevation of the garage by about 18 inches.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Cold Food!

Our fridge came today!  It's about the size of me, but at least it will keep things cold.  This means we can start actually making food rather than eating out everyday.  This is just a temporary fridge until we get the first floor renovated and get a normal sized fridge.  This small one will probably end up in our garage next year.