Monday rolls around and our real estate agent notifies us that our offer was accepted and sends over the paperwork that needs to be signed and faxed back by Thursday. YAY!!! We’re ecstatic and start sharing the news with family that evening.
So now it's Tuesday, and we're still both so excited. I even share the news with coworkers, which is big considering I'm a very superstitious person. I was so happy….that is...until…Adrian calls me that afternoon to tell me that the bank reneged and the house was no longer ours. (Are you #@$%^* kidding me?!!?)
This was the worst feeling ever. Now I realize it’s probably frustrating to read this, so I’m sure you can probably understand how much I loathed the bank at this point. If you know me, you know I have a ridiculous fly-off-the-handle temper. My immediate reaction was to send some sort of hate mail to bank people who did this.
Apparently, the fine print on the bottom of the contract that said the bank could accept other offers until we had EVERYTHING turned in, even though our "Congrats, we've accepted you're offer" letter said we had until Thursday. So, we were told, AGAIN, that we needed to come in with our "best" offer. Seriously? So Adrian and I discussed it some more and decided to put in another final offer.
This time, we waited a day before submitting it so that we could send our offer with all the necessary items at once so that if our offer was accepted, we wouldn't lose it again. So on Thursday morning we put the offer in and by Thursday afternoon we were notified that they had (again) accepted our (higher) offer and we were officially under contract (yay again!!!!). It was hard to be excited this time around though because the bank had ran us through the ringer, and made us pay more, but nonetheless, we were happy to be under contract. This of course was just the beginning of more headaches to come.