Monday, February 13, 2012

Backstory Part 2: The Offer

It was the Tuesday morning before Thanksgiving when we put the offer in on the house, and to our surprise, the bank countered a couple of hours later.  We were impressed with how quickly they responded, so we figured we’d counter one more time, hear by the end of the day, or worse case Wednesday, and have a contract by Thanksgiving. WRONG! Instead, we countered back Tuesday afternoon, and it was radio silence on the other end all of Wednesday and Thursday (Thanksgiving).  Of course, those two days seemed like an eternity to us. 

On the morning of Black Friday we receive a message from our real estate agent telling us that multiple offers came through over the holiday (wtf?!) and that the bank was asking people to come in with their best offers.  I was crushed.  We could forget about low-balling now. I think the part that bothered me most was that we had a jump on everyone by finding the house so early and we no longer had that advantage.  If we would have just accepted that freakin' counter offer two days ago we could have already had a contract, and for less money!

So after much deliberation, Adrian and I submitted our "best" offer Friday afternoon. We waited the rest of the afternoon, but heard nothing back. Awesome.  More waiting. 

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