Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Yes, we've been on a hiatus....but for a GOOD reason!

I realize we haven't had many posts the past 2-3 months, but I can explain. There are a few reasons as to why we've (I've) neglected this blog...well, one BIG reason. We're having a baby!

We're totally excited, however, the past few months you wouldn't be able to tell because my "enthusiam" had me pretty much glued to the couch or in bed sleeping :/  Therefore, as dumb as it sounds, I just haven't had any energy to update the blog :(  And to be honest, we actually haven't done any additional home projects since October.  I hate to say we're submitting to winter hibernation, but I think we totally are.  There's only so much we can do on the inside before the big renovation in the spring, so we're sitting tight for a little while.  One thing we did manage to start was the nursery!  Below are a few pics of the paint and trim going up.

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