Tuesday, March 20, 2012

203-k Updates

The 203-k loan work has started and here are a few photos of the progress.....

AFTER - All new copper plumbing was installed.  The previous owners decided to strip the house of all the copper prior to moving out.

AFTER - New/old water heater....see the difference in size?   With 3 1/2 bathrooms and one more coming in the future we needed to Super Size our water heater.

BEFORE - Hardwood floor on the 3rd floor had been cut and screwed back in leaving 
this nice little rectangular patch job

AFTER- Floor on 3rd floor gets patched

BEFORE- 3rd floor was a little unsafe

AFTER - Added a railing
BEFORE - Drywall and mirrored closet door were bashed in (3rd floor/6th bedroom)

AFTER - Wall got patched and we got new bi-fold doors

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